Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sleepy Bear

These pictures were taken back in January when out church had a carnival to celebrate it's 10th anniversary. The carnival happened to fall during Marshall's 2nd nap time so we threw caution to the wind and decided we would brave the world sans nap. Marshall did great as always, there were too many things to see and people to watch for him to realize he was sleepy. It was a wonderful time of fellowship with our community group and Jeff Burd took a couple of shots of Marshall.
We got home around 7pm and Marshall was still hanging in there...a little punchy but to be expected. Since he usually goes to bed at 8pm, we decided to keep him up a little longer and put him in his bouncer while we ate dinner. He loves his bouncer, he's constantly jumping or swaying side to side and this time was no different. If he's not bouncing he's banging on the various toys surrounding's not a quiet experience!
So about half-way through dinner it gets quiet, which as a parent you know when it gets quiet something is up! So we looked over and this is what we found...

Sweet baby had rocked himself to sleep! Thankfully he was crashed when we got him out and into his pjs. He went right to sleep when we got him into his crib. We love our little sleepy bear!

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